Kimba, The Inside Cat

Kimba, The Inside Cat

Kimba is a 100% inside cat, however, he really likes to lay in the sun and watch birds. Kimba has a custom walking jacket that velcro's around his neck and tummy and we attach it to a 10 ft lead which is staked a different areas in the yard depending on where the sun is. A couple of weeks ago, Kimba managed to snag his walking jacket on a tree and wiggled out. We check on him every 15-20 mins which is when we noticed he was gone! Luckily, he was wearing a Loc8tor tab. I rushed inside to get the Loc8tor base unit. It found his direction within 1 minute and found Kimba - in our nextdoor neighbor's yard - within 2 mins. Fantastic! We also have loc8tor tabs on our other 2 cats incase they slip out a door that hasn't shut completely or wiggle out of their walking jackets. Great product! Highly recommend!

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